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Palestine Solidarity Campaign offer you the chance to shop traditional Palestinian crafts, books and merchandise to support our campaigning effort towards the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice, equality, and peace.

Colouring book

This colouring book was created by two friends Stan and Michal to support PSC campaigning  efforts.

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Keffiyeh Knitted Scarf

Show your support with Palestinians and wear it all winter.

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Book of the month - Naseej Life-Weavings of Palestine

Naseej, meaning 'tapestry' in Arabic, is a book about diverse forms of life, communities, histories and continuities in Palestine. It compiles essays, short stories, poetry, interviews, and visual art to tell an aspect of the Palestinian story that has not been told: the severing of Palestinians from vast and ancient regional histories.

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  • Get Involved

    Our campaigns are only strong because of people across the country and around the world are working together for change. There are many different ways for you to get involved in the campaign for freedom, equality, and justice for Palestine.

    You can become a member of PSC, take action on our campaigns, get involved in your local branch, affiliate your organisation, come to one of our events, or donate to our work.